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BI 105 Old Testament Introduction (2) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Students will learn the chronological narrative of the Old Testament, exploring major themes and events and emphasizing God's redemptive work promised through the nation of Israel. Required for BI 303, 304, 321, 322.
BI 203 Life of Christ (2) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. The student will learn about the life and ministry of Jesus from the Gospels by studying the major chronological periods of Christ's life and ministry.
BI 205 New Testament Introduction (2) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Students will learn the chronological narrative of the New Testament, exploring major themes and events and emphasizing the fulfillment of God's redemptive work through Jesus Christ. Required for BI 321, 322, 414, 416, 420.
BI 206 Acts (2) Offered Fall, Spring. An exposition of Acts, concentrating on the history of the spread of the gospel in the early Church and the development of the Church and its doctrine. The student will memorize Scripture, learn key events from each chapter, and learn about the spread and development of the Church.
BI 214 General Epistles (2) Offered Fall, Spring. An in-depth study of I, II, and III John, I and II Peter, and the Epistle of Jude, noting the warning to believers about false teachers and principles of growth in the Christian life.
BI 216 Teachings of Jesus (2) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. A comprehensive study of the teachings of Christ as found in the four Gospels, with an emphasis on application. The student will thoroughly investigate Christ’s parables, discourses, and short sayings.
BI 218 I and II Corinthians (2) Offered Spring. An exposition of the Corinthian epistles. The student will learn doctrinal truth and how to apply it to the Christian life by identifying issues addressed to the Corinthians and instruction provided.
BI 233 Life of David (2) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. A study of the life of David. The student will learn contextual perspectives of theocracy and transition to the monarchy. Emphasis is given to specific events in the life of David and people associated with him. The student will be able to identify and illustrate application of biblical truth to daily life.
BI 250 Bible Study and Instruction (2) Offered Fall, Spring. Students learn principles and methods of effective Bible study and receive practical training in presenting truth in a variety of ministry settings.
BI 303 Hebrew History I (2) Offered Fall. Prereq.: BI 105. Students will learn the major events in Hebrew history beginning with the Exodus from Egypt through the wilderness wanderings as recorded in Numbers. A special emphasis is given to the theological principles that relate to the life of the believer.
BI 304 Hebrew History II (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: BI 105. Students will learn the major events in Hebrew history from the preparation to enter the Promised Land to the period of judges (Deuteronomy through Ruth). A special emphasis is given to the theological principles that relate to the life of the believer.
BI 312 Romans (2) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. An introduction to and exposition of Romans noting man’s condemnation because of sin and his justification and sanctification because of the work of Christ. The student will develop a greater understanding of the theological doctrine Paul sets forth in his epistle to the church in Rome.
BI 314 Genesis (3) Offered Spring. A thorough treatment of Genesis giving special attention to the Creation, the Fall, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, the call of Abraham, and God’s dealing in and through the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.
BI 317 Galatians and the Prison Epistles (2) Offered Spring. Students will learn the content of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon with an emphasis on the major doctrines in each book.
BI 318 Biblical Poetry (2) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. BI 318 is an introduction to the books of biblical poetry—Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. Students will gain knowledge of the background, historical setting, authorship, poetical structure, and theme of each book. Special emphasis will be given to the devotional and theological elements. Selected portions of these books will be studied with the intent of making practical application.
BI 319 I and II Timothy and Titus (2) Offered Fall, Spring. This course is an introduction to and exposition of I and II Timothy and Titus. The student will learn specific teachings and how to apply them in ministry in local churches.
BI 320 Isaiah (2) Offered Fall. Introduction to and commentary on Isaiah. The student will learn the historical and theological background to the prophecy of Isaiah and its meaning for Israel and the world. Emphasis will be given on identifying the attributes, character, mission, and specific roles of the Messiah.
BI 321 Bible Doctrines (2) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: BI 105 and 205; or sophomore or above. The student will learn the basic Bible doctrines of Bibliology, Theology Proper, Christology, Pneumatology, and Angelology. Required for BC 327, PR 320.
BI 322 Bible Doctrines (2) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: BI 105 and 205; or sophomore or above. The student will learn the basic Bible doctrines of Anthropology, Hamartiology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology. Required for BC 327, PR 320.
BI 360 Minor Prophets (2) Offered Fall odd. This course provides the student with a foundational knowledge of the office and ministry of the Old Testament prophet, the message of each of the Minor Prophets, Israel’s unfaithfulness to the Old Testament covenants, and the Messianic prophecies contained in these books. Great emphasis is placed on the application of the eternal truths of God’s Word to the lives of believers of all times.
BI 370 Worldview and Apologetics (2) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: Junior or senior, or sophomore biblical studies student in A.A. program. Students will learn to develop and defend a distinctively biblical worldview. By focusing on the story of the Bible, from its foundations in God and His revelation to man to its culmination in the age to come, students will understand their place in the work of God and be equipped to defend their faith.
BI 414 Revelation (2) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: BI 205 and sophomore or above. Students will learn the content, as well as the scope and sequence, of the book of Revelation. Special attention will be given to the centrality of Christ in the book, the correct interpretation of prophecy, and an overall biblical eschatology.
BI 416 Hebrews and James (2) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: BI 205 and sophomore or above. An in-depth study of Hebrews noting its essential unity with the Old Testament and its fulfillment in the New Testament ministry of Christ, and a study of the book of James and its application of faith to everyday life.
BI 420 I and II Thessalonians (2) Offered Fall. Prereq.: BI 205 and sophomore or above. This course introduces the church at Thessalonica and reviews the start of this church in Acts 17 during Paul’s second missionary journey. The course includes a careful exposition of Paul’s two short letters to the Thessalonians. Students will learn the themes and doctrines of each book.
BI 490 Bible Comprehensive Review (1) Offered online: Interterm and Post-term. This course presents a review of comprehensive Bible knowledge and is required of all students who do not successfully pass the Bible Comprehensive Exam given to all Bible majors in the final semester of their studies. Upon successful completion, the student will be able to articulate doctrinal truth.