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Courses that do not have a term notation are not offered on a set rotation. The number of semester credit hours which a course carries is listed in parentheses following the course title.

AR 101 Drawing I (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Studio art concentration or minor or art second teaching field or broad field. Students learn drawing terminology, materials, and techniques by interpreting and rendering visual images from reference material. Meets 6 hours a week. Required for AR 102, 250, 254; SE 316.

AR 102 Drawing II (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 101. Students use various drawing media and further develop drawing skills with greater emphasis on drawing the clothed figure and gesture drawing. Meets 6 hours a week. Required for AR 203, 303; SE 316.

AR 111 Drawing for the Designer (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Open to all students except studio art concentration or minor or art second teaching field or broad field. Students learn basic drawing terminology, materials, and techniques by rendering, interpreting, and simplifying visual images from reference material using design elements and principles. Meets 6 hours a week. Required for AR 250, 254.

AR 120 Digital Typography (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Concentration, teaching field, minor, broad field, or emphasis in advertising/public relations, art, digital media, graphic design, professional writing, studio art, or web development. Students learn basic principles for using typography in design and layout. Students also learn how to use Adobe InDesign. Required for AR 245, 267, 311.

AR 201 Design Fundamentals I (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Visual arts major; advertising/public relations concentration; minor in advertising, graphic design, studio art, or web development; or art second teaching field or broad field. Students learn the elements and principles of design and investigate concepts through projects with an emphasis on craftsmanship and control. Meets 4 hours a week. Required for AR 202, 203, 245, 250, 254, 267, 310; SE 316.

AR 202 Design Fundamentals II (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 201. Students apply understanding of the elements and principles of design and investigate concepts through projects with an emphasis on craftsmanship and control. Meets 4 hours a week. Required for AR 321.

AR 203 Basic Painting I (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 102, 201, and studio art concentration or minor or art second teaching field or broad field. Students learn to paint with oils through demonstrations, assigned projects, and critiques with an emphasis on building observation and paint application skills. Meets 6 hours a week. Required for AR 204, SE 316.

AR 204 Basic Painting II (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 203. Students learn to paint with various water-based media through demonstrations, research, assigned projects, and critiques. Meets 6 hours a week. Required for AR 213, 304, 321, 336; SE 316.

AR 213–414 Figure Painting (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq. for AR 213: AR 204; each level requires the preceding one. Students learn to create oil paintings of the human head using live models. Advanced students will further study by painting half- and full-figure works. Each course meets 2 hours a week. Required for AR 214, each level required for the next one.

AR 218 Photography I (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Using the fundamentals of professional digital photography, students capture visual ideas, edit images, and develop an organized workflow. A manual mode, interchangeable-lens digital camera capable of at least 12 megapixels is required. Meets 4 hours a week. Required for AR 308, MK 402.

AR 220 Digital Graphics (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Concentration, teaching field, minor, broad field, or emphasis in advertising/public relations, art, digital media, graphic design, professional writing, studio art, or web development. Students develop and edit vector-based and raster-based images using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Required for AR 245, 267, 311, 323.

AR 227 History of Art (3) Offered Fall. This course is a survey of visual art history from ancient art through the Middle Ages. Students learn a biblical perspective of art. Required for AR 228.

AR 228 History of Art (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: AR 227. This course is a survey of visual art history from the early Renaissance to the present. Students analyze art from a biblical perspective. Required for AR 348.

AR 231–432 Yearbook Practicum (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Student must be a member of the yearbook staff. Students earn credit for actual work on the Summit and will be given basic guidelines for design layout, copywriting, and photography composition. Students apply their skills of time management, teamwork, and organization in a professional office setting. Required for AR 232, each level required for the next one.

AR 241 Introduction to the Mass Media (3) Offered Fall odd. Students receive an overview of the mass media industries with an emphasis on the impact that the convergence of these industries is having on the media landscape. The media’s impact on society, media law, and media literacy are emphasized.

AR 243 Principles of Audio Production (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 323. Students study audio production techniques and terminology, platforms, and technology, as well as produce basic audio projects using standard production facilities. Required for AR 345, 464.

AR 245 Typography (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 120, 201, and 220. Through the study of typographic history and design principles, students create expressive and communicative work for various design contexts.

AR 250 Introduction to Digital Illustration (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 101 or 111, 201, and visual arts major. Students practice basic rendering techniques and design principles used in digital illustration. Required for AR 321.

AR 254–454 3-D Design Fundamentals (3 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq. for AR 254: At least “C-” in AR 101 or 111 and AR 201; each level requires the preceding one. Students apply the elements and principles of design to the development of three-dimensional works using a variety of materials and methods. Meets 6 hours a week. AR 254: required for AR 354, 355; AR 354: required for AR 454.

AR 267 Graphic Design I (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 120, 201, and 220, or media ministries concentration and at least “C-” in AR 120 and 220. Students learn to develop and present solutions for basic graphic design problems. Principles of visual communication, layout, and print production are studied. Meets 6 hours a week. Required for AR 268.

AR 268 Graphic Design II (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 267. Students develop solutions to more advanced graphic-design problems with an emphasis on creativity and clear communication through type, image, and layout. Meets 6 hours a week. Required for AR 325, 326, 346, 402, 420, 440.

AR 303 Advanced Drawing (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 102. Students learn skeletal and muscular forms of the human figure as they relate to the artist and draw the clothed figure from reference and observation. Meets 6 hours a week. Required for AR 304, 319, 321, 336.

AR 304 Advanced Painting (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 204 and 303. Students continue to refine painting techniques and composition development by creating several paintings using various media. Meets 6 hours a week. Required for AR 440.

AR 308 Photography II (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 218. Students further develop their digital photography skills as they photograph a variety of field and studio assignments. An emphasis is placed on the students’ application of professional lighting and exposure techniques as well as a refinement of their image processing and digital management skills. Required for AR 309.

AR 309 Photography III (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 308. Students continue to develop and refine skills gained in AR 308 as they photograph a variety of instructor-directed assignments and develop a portfolio of their work.

AR 310 Calligraphy (1) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: AR 201 and junior or senior visual arts major or art teaching field, advertising/public relations or professional writing concentration, studio art minor, or graphic design minor or broad field. Students use a variety of tools and stroke techniques to develop competence in basic calligraphic letter forms. Meets 2 hours a week.

AR 311 UX/UI Design (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 120 and 220. Students learn and apply user experience design fundamentals by planning, designing, developing, and testing website interfaces for desktop and mobile platforms. Required for AR 402.

AR 319 Figure Drawing (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 303. Using live models, students develop skills in drawing the human head and clothed figure with emphasis on correct proportions, strong values, and media control. Students further their study by drawing complex half- and full-figure works. Meets 4 hours a week.

AR 321 Illustration I (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 202, 204, 250, and 303. Students learn basic principles of illustration development. Meets 6 hours a week. Required for AR 322.

AR 322 Illustration II (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 321. Students develop visual storytelling techniques by completing various illustration assignments with an emphasis on concept and compositional development. Meets 6 hours a week. Required for AR 326, 440.

AR 323 Principles of Digital Multimedia Technology (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: AR 220 and advertising/public relations or graphic design concentration or digital media minor, broad field, or emphasis. This course teaches students the basics of working with digital audio and video technologies. Students learn how to use industry-standard equipment and Adobe Creative Cloud applications as they acquire media content and edit it into a variety of productions. Required for AR 243, 324, 364.

AR 324 Digital Multimedia Production (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 323. This course builds on the foundation of AR 323 by advancing students’ media production skills while the students develop realistic multimedia content. Students also begin learning motion graphics and the basics of 3-D space with an emphasis on learning the integration of Adobe Creative Cloud Applications. Required for AR 345, 403, 464.

AR 325 Publication Design (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: AR 268 and visual arts major. Students learn guidelines and requirements necessary for publication of print and electronic media. Students create original layouts and prepare for publication. Required for AR 326.

AR 326 Publication Practicum (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 268 and 325 and graphic design concentration; or at least “C-” in AR 322 and studio art concentration. Students gain practical experience working in a team to develop a complex publication from concept to published work. Students design and promote the PCC Fountains student publication.

AR 336–337 Studio Art Internship (3 each) Offered Both sem., Interterm, and Summer. Prereq. for AR 336: At least “C-” in AR 204 and 303, and studio art concentration; prereq. for AR 337: AR 336. Students receive practical studio art experience in this internship. A minimum of 120 hours is spent in a professional environment at an approved off-campus site. Students create valuable additions to their portfolios. Required for AR 337.

AR 345 Media Ministry Internship (3) Offered Both sem., Interterm, and Summer. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 243 and 324 and media ministries concentration. Students receive practical media ministry experience in this internship. A minimum of 120 hours is spent in a professional media ministry environment at an approved off-campus site. Students create valuable additions to their portfolios.

AR 346–347 Graphic Design Internship (3 each) Offered Both sem., Interterm, and Summer. Prereq. for AR 346: At least “C-” in AR 268 and graphic design concentration; prereq. for AR 347: AR 346. Students receive practical graphic design experience in this internship. A minimum of 120 hours is spent in a professional environment at an approved off-campus site. Students create valuable additions to their portfolios. Required for AR 347.

AR 348 History of Illustration and Graphic Design (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: AR 228. This course traces the history of commercial art with an emphasis on illustration and graphic design. Students identify and analyze changes in industry practice and how they relate to the present.

AR 355 Introduction to 3D Graphics and Animation (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: AR 254. Students learn the basics of digital 3D modeling and animation. With an emphasis on learning the animation creative process, students learn to create illustrations, animations, and 3D-printable files using industry-standard 3D graphics software.

AR 364 Media Studio Production (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: AR 323. Students further their understanding of audio and video equipment as they learn how to develop and produce media projects in a variety of studio and other live production situations.

AR 402 Interactive Design (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 268 and 311. Using accepted design standards, students build desktop and mobile media using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frameworks. Meets 4 hours a week. Required for AR 403.

AR 403 Advanced Interactive Design (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 324 and 402. Using both industry standard and emerging practices and tools, students apply advanced concepts and coding knowledge to various interactive projects. Meets 4 hours a week.

AR 420 Advertising Design I (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 268. Students design and present a brand advertising campaign focusing on visual identity and brand personality. Students also gain professional experience by collaborating as a team to create a visual merchandise display for a client. Meets 4 hours a week. Required for AR 421, 440; MK 402.

AR 421 Advertising Design II (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 420. Students design and professionally present an event advertising campaign focusing on creative strategy and audience experience. Students also gain further professional experience by collaborating as a team to create a visual merchandise display for a client. Meets 4 hours a week.

AR 440 Portfolio (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 268, 304, 322, and senior studio art concentration; or credit for or concurrent enrollment in AR 420 and senior graphic design concentration. Students develop self-promotional marketing tools and a personal portfolio. Students also learn presentation and interview techniques and basic field-related business practices. Required for AR 450, 451.

AR 450 Directed Studio (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Graduating senior graphic design concentration in last semester and credit for or concurrent enrollment in AR 440. Students create advanced-level work for their senior portfolios under the direction of an instructor. Emphasis is placed on developing a cohesive body of work with a clear personal direction. Required for AR 498.

AR 451 Directed Studio (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Graduating senior studio art concentration in last semester and credit for or concurrent enrollment in AR 440. Students create advanced-level work for their senior portfolios under the direction of an instructor. Emphasis is placed on developing a cohesive body of work with a clear personal direction. Required for AR 499.

AR 464 Media Administration and Production (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AR 243 and 324. Students explore opportunities presented by today's media landscape and learn to develop a comprehensive media plan for an organization. Emphasis will be given to effectively and legally using the media, integrating technologies, and managing personnel.

AR 498 Senior Graphic Design Portfolio Exhibit (0) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Concurrent enrollment in AR 450.

AR 499 Senior Studio Art Portfolio Exhibit (0) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Concurrent enrollment in AR 451.