Humanities Image

Division of Liberal Arts

Expand Your Knowledge and Interests
About the Liberal Arts Division

What does it mean to be an educated person?

No matter what your major is, every student at Pensacola Christian College benefits from the classes in the liberal arts division. General education courses like speech, English, history, and mathematics will make you a well-rounded individual—articulate and well informed. And since every class is taught from a biblical perspective, you’ll learn to develop a God-centered worldview that touches all areas of life.

Part of education is learning from new perspectives, understanding the world around you, and appreciating many aspects of the human experience. As you strengthen your communication skills, explore topics like literature and history, and practice following precise processes, you’ll develop your critical thinking abilities—learning to creatively approach problems and find solutions. What you learn in your liberal arts classes will equip you with the knowledge and skills to succeed in all of your other coursework.

Discovering new interests and being exposed to a variety of experiences will transform you as a student—and as a person.

Liberal Arts Quick Facts


Elective credits in the
Liberal Arts A.A. degree


Courses available to meet the
social science liberal arts requirement


Programs of study supported by courses
in the Division of Liberal Arts

Dr. Lauren McIntyre
Dr. Lauren McIntyre B.A., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.A., Mercy College
Ph.D., Faulkner University

A Word from the Chair of Liberal Arts

At PCC, our liberal arts faculty seek to cultivate the soul of each student toward Christlikeness by studying the past and the present through language, history, literature, philosophy, mathematics, science, and the fine arts alongside the wisdom of Scripture. This liberal arts core will not only enrich your biblical wisdom but also enable you to grasp what is true, good, and beautiful in our fallen world.

A distinctively Christian liberal arts core adds to your professional training a depth of understanding that recognizes the value of each person, the strength of a community grounded in truth, and the clarity of a biblical approach to some of life’s biggest questions. Whether you are in a history, speech, writing, math, or science class, these courses will remind you that God is a God of order and reason and inexplicable creativity and beauty Who has placed something of Himself in your very being.

By putting on “the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:16), you will learn in your liberal arts courses what it means to fulfill your purpose and live out your calling in any setting. And as you continue to “increase in wisdom . . . and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52) through your time here at PCC, your understanding of both God and man will propel you toward a lifelong pursuit of knowledge, biblical wisdom, and sanctification.

We hope that you will come join us as we study a world “charged with the grandeur of God”! (Hopkins, “God’s Grandeur”)

Dr. Lauren McIntyre

Chair of Liberal Arts Division

Academic Success Office Image

Academic Success Office

Need help studying for your history test? Wish someone could walk you through the paper you’re writing?

Your teachers will love working with you, and they have many office hours scheduled when you can drop by to get one-on-one guidance for their classes.

But when you’d like a little extra help, the Academic Success Office is here for you.

Academic coaches provide free tutoring—whether you’re writing a research paper, preparing for a test, working through your math homework, or just figuring out how to organize your life as a college student.

Developing solid study skills is part of the learning process! The Academic Success Office will provide the support you need so that you can focus on preparing for your future.

Read more about the Academic Success Office

Liberal Arts Division Verse

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Luke 2:52

Liberal Arts Division Verse

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Luke 2:52