Discover excellent academic standards, an inspirational student body, and a community of staff and faculty that tirelessly give you everything they’ve got—so you can change the world for Christ.
Explore PCC’s undergraduate and graduate degrees, with over 60 possibilities that will inspire, challenge, and prepare you for your calling.
Pensacola Christian College inspires students that are innovative, ambitious, and passionate about making a difference for Christ. Come discover what PCC has to offer, program requirements, tuition costs, and more!
The PCC journey is packed full of exciting opportunities outside of the classroom. Explore the various activities, get involved, and make the most of your college experience!
Students completing requirements for a degree should submit a Petition for Graduation by the end of the Drop/Add period the semester they anticipate graduating.
A Petition for Graduation Fee of $90 will be charged to your account after your eligibility for graduation is confirmed. May/August graduates pay this fee with the April 14 payment and December/January graduates pay this fee with the November 18 payment. Petitions submitted after the end of Drop/Add will incur a $25 Late Petition for Graduation Fee.
Undergraduate students with a 2.0 cumulative GPA and who are able to complete all remaining courses during the summer immediately following the May Commencement may contact the Graduation Clerk at to complete a conditional participation form requesting permission to participate in the Commencement ceremony.
A student’s final course must be taken from Pensacola Christian College. Final coursework may not be earned at another institution.
Students may order graduation announcements through the Campus Store during the spring semester.
Announcements are meant to inform family and friends of your accomplishment in finishing college. Unlike invitations, they do not include information like the date and time of the ceremony, so you may send them any time—even up to two weeks after the ceremony.
Watch your student email in February for a link to order announcements.
December/summer grads will be emailed at the address we have on file. Verify or update your contact info here.
Graduates who have difficulty with stairs, please email by Tuesday, April 22, so your seat can be assigned in an appropriate location.
In April, graduates will request the number of guest tickets they need (watch for details via student email). Additional tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis at the Crowne Centre atrium desk 45 minutes before the start of each ceremony.
Graduation regalia is designed to follow a uniform academic protocol. Additions to the college-issued regalia listed below are not permitted.
The cap (or mortarboard) is worn by all participants. The color of the tassel on the cap indicates the major field. Undergraduate candidates wear their tassel on the right side and move it to the left when their degree is conferred. Graduate candidates wear their tassel on the left side.
A black gown is worn by all participants. The type of sleeve varies by degree.
A hood is worn by bachelor, master, and doctoral candidates. The hood is worn with the velvet side up; the velvet denotes the major/degree being granted.
On the back of the hood, the silk lining should be turned out so the royal blue and white silk can be seen, as shown in the picture below.
Honor cords and medallions are draped around the neck under the hood. PCC awards the following honors:
Undergraduate candidates who earn at least a 3.50 PCC cumulative GPA wear a medallion in addition to blue and white cords. Seminary and graduate students who earn a 4.00 PCC cumulative GPA wear double gold cords.
Christian Leadership
Undergraduate students selected for Christian Leadership recognition wear a red cord.
Who’s Who
Undergraduate students selected for Who’s Who among PCC Students wear a gold cord.
Pick up your regalia in the Crowne Centre Music Suite on Wednesday, May 7, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. or Thursday, May 8, between 7:30 a.m. and 12 noon. Enter from the back of the Crowne Centre using the First Street entrance on the west side of the building just past the North Lobby entrance.
2 p.m. Liberal Arts, Professional Studies, Visual and Performing Arts
4 p.m. Arts and Sciences, Biblical Studies
Enter the Crowne Centre through the west lobby doors closest to the Crowne Centre parking lot. This is a full dress rehearsal, which means you need to wear your regalia as well as the attire you plan to wear at Commencement.
Doors to the Crowne Centre open 45 minutes before the ceremony. All guests should be seated 10 minutes before the ceremony begins. To ensure that all families can hear their graduate’s name called during the ceremony, we request that all guests kindly:
Parking is available on campus. For your convenience, traffic attendants will guide you to the areas open for parking.
Regalia must be returned to the Crowne Centre Music Suite by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 9.
Pensacola Christian College’s records reflect one official graduation date for every term. The date shown below will appear on all diplomas and transcripts as the official graduation date, even though the ceremony may be on a different date.
Participation in the Commencement ceremony does not indicate a degree has been conferred. Degrees will be awarded when all requirements have been fulfilled.
Diplomas will be mailed by the end of May to graduates who have completed all degree requirements and whose Business Office account is paid in full. Need to revise your address? Email For diploma reorders, a $20 Diploma Reorder Fee will apply.
Order a custom diploma frame at!