Faculty are different here. They look like you’d expect—professional and friendly. They have the academic qualifications, the skill, and the experience to help you learn.

But they’re different because in addition to that, they have a heart for students and a heart for God. They pray for those in their classes, and at the start of every class period.

Teaching isn’t just what they do. It’s their ministry—their calling. They understand you’re not just earning a degree or even preparing for a career. You’re preparing to go out and serve Christ, to make your life count for Him.

You’ll be challenged to learn and given the tools to do it. When you need academic guidance, faculty will be there to help during class, office hours, and even in their own free time.

As of Spring Semester 2025

Rochelle AchuffElementary Education
Associate Teaching Professor
B.A., M.S., Ed.S., Pensacola Christian College
Ed.D., Liberty University
Carlos AlvarezScience/Biology, Science/Chemistry
Teaching Professor
B.S., M.S., National Agricultural University
Ph.D., University of Georgia
Ed.D., University of West Florida
Jeff AmsbaughBible
Teaching Professor
B.A., Tennessee Temple University
M.Div., Luther Rice Seminary
D.Min., Temple Baptist Seminary
Amy BombardMusic/General, Music History
Teaching Professor
Doctoral study: University of Iowa
B.A., M.S., D.M.A., Pensacola Christian College
Charles BombardMusic/Strings, Music Theory
Teaching Professor
Doctoral study: University of Iowa
B.A., M.S., D.M.A., Pensacola Christian College
Chris BowmanEducation/General
Teaching Professor
B.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.Ed., University of South Alabama
Ed.D., University of West Florida
Eric BryantEducation/General, Secondary Education
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.S., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.S., University of West Florida
Ed.D., Liberty University
Brian BucyBible
Assistant Teaching Professor
A.A., Allegany Community College
B.S., Frostburg State University
M.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.A., Grace Theological Seminary
D.Min., Baptist Bible Seminary
Michael ColucciBible, Greek, Hebrew
Teaching Professor
B.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.Div., D.Min., Pensacola Theological Seminary
Graduate study: New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
John CuendetFinance
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.S., M.B.A., Pensacola Christian College
Ph.D., Northcentral University
Joseph A. DigangiArt, Art History
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.A., Western Illinois University
M.F.A., Northern Illinois University
Graduate study: Liberty University
Joseph D. DigangiGreek
Associate Instructor
B.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.A., M.Div., Pensacola Theological Seminary
Doctoral study: Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Nate DrushininArt
Associate Teaching Professor
B.S., M.F.A., Pensacola Christian College
Maybeth Elliott, RNNursing
Teaching Professor
B.S.N., Pensacola Christian College
M.S.N., University of South Alabama
Ph.D., Walden University
Rick EndersEducation/General
Associate Teaching Professor
M.A., Ed.S., University of West Florida
B.S., Ed.D., Pensacola Christian College
Michael GearyInformation Technology Management
Associate Teaching Professor
B.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.S., University of West Florida
D.C.S., Colorado Technical University
Cleusia GonçalvesMusic/Conducting, Music/General
Associate Teaching Professor
B.M., State University of Campinas, Brazil
M.A., Pensacola Christian College
D.M.A., Louisiana State University
Cheryl GregoryEducation/General
Associate Teaching Professor
B.S., M.S., Ed.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.A., Eastern Washington University
Ed.D., Liberty University
David GregoryEducation/General
Associate Teaching Professor
B.S., M.S., Ed.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.Ed., University of Southern Mississippi
Ed.D., Liberty University
Rafael GriffinChurch Music
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.A., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
D.M.A., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Tracey Haire, RNNursing
Associate Teaching Professor
B.A., Fayetteville State University
B.S.N., Western Carolina University
M.S., D.N.P., Walden University
Greg HewittArt, Graphic Design
Teaching Professor
B.S., M.F.A., Pensacola Christian College
Philip HolmesStatistics
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.S., M.B.A., Pensacola Christian College
Ph.D., University of South Alabama
Greg KielmeyerCommunication
Teaching Professor
B.A., M.A., Bob Jones University
Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Benjamin LaneMathematics, Research, Statistics
Associate Teaching Professor
B.S., M.S., Ed.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.S., University of South Alabama
Ed.D., Liberty University
Graduate study: Penn State University
Greg LowhornBusiness Administration
Associate Teaching Professor
B.I.S., Western Kentucky University
M.B.A., Murray State University
M.A., Luther Rice Seminary
Ph.D., Regent University
Graduate study: West Texas A&M University
Donna MarionEducation/General, Information Technology Management
Teaching Professor
B.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.S., University of Southern Mississippi
Ph.D., Walden University
Nikki MartinezLiterature
Senior Instructor
B.S., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
Doctoral study: Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Denise McCollim, RNNursing
Teaching Professor
B.S.N., Bob Jones University
M.S.N., D.N.P., University of South Alabama
Jonathan McIntyreMusic/General
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.A., M.A., Pensacola Christian College
D.M., Florida State University
Tim McLaughlinBiblical Counseling
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.A.R., Liberty Theological Seminary
M.A., D.Min., Pensacola Theological Seminary
Sarah ObertoEnglish
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.S., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
D.A., Murray State University
Carrie OrdwayHistory
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.A., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
Graduate study: The Catholic University of America, Kent State University
Ph.D., Faulkner University
Joyce Pate, RNNursing
Teaching Professor
B.S.N., Pensacola Christian College
M.S.N., C.N.S., University of South Alabama
D.N.P., Case Western Reserve University
Autumn PearsonEnglish
Assistant Teaching Professor
A.B.S., B.B.S., Crown College
M.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.A., University of West Florida
Ph.D., University of Southern Mississippi
Gustavo PeterlevitzMusic/Keyboard
Associate Teaching Professor
B.A., M.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.Div., Pensacola Theological Seminary
D.M.A., James Madison University
Elijah PrincipeGraphic Design
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.S., M.A., M.F.A., Pensacola Christian College
John ReeseHistory
Teaching Professor
B.S., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
Ph.D., Florida State University
James RidgleyResearch, Science/General, Science/Physics
Associate Teaching Professor
B.S., M.S., Ed.S., Ed.D., Pensacola Christian College
Ph.D., University of Southern Mississippi
Dan RushingBible
Teaching Professor
B.A., M.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.Div., D.Min., Pensacola Theological Seminary
Doctoral study: Baptist Bible Seminary, Liberty Theological Seminary
Ron Schmuck, CPAAccounting
Teaching Professor
B.S., Bob Jones University
M.B.A., University of West Florida
Ph.D., Northcentral University
Steven SleethGreek
Associate Teaching Professor
B.A., M.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.Div., Pensacola Theological Seminary
D.Min., Baptist Bible Seminary
Rob SmallBible
Teaching Professor
B.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.A., M.Div., D.Min., Pensacola Theological Seminary
Graduate study: Liberty Theological Seminary
Lonnie SmithBusiness Administration
Associate Teaching Professor
B.R.E., Andersonville Baptist Seminary
M.B.A., Liberty University
Ph.D., University of South Alabama
Laura SniderEducation/General
Associate Instructor
B.S., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
Doctoral study: Pensacola Christian College
Greg SouleChurch Music
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.M., University of Southern Mississippi
D.M.A., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Jonathan SparksInformation Technology Management
Associate Teaching Professor
B.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.S., University of West Florida
Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University
Josh ThompsonBible
Associate Teaching Professor
B.A., Pensacola Christian College
Th.M., Liberty University
M.Div., D.Min., Pensacola Theological Seminary
Doctoral study: Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Marie ThompsonLiterature
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.A., University of West Florida
Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Dan TroutmanBible, Theology
Teaching Professor
B.A., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.Div., Pensacola Theological Seminary
M.Min., D.Min., Baptist Bible Seminary
Graduate study: Liberty Theological Seminary
Jared TwiggHebrew
Associate Instructor
B.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.Div., Pensacola Theological Seminary
Doctoral study: Baptist Bible Seminary, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Elizabeth VinajaEducation/General
Associate Teaching Professor
B.A., M.S., Ed.S., Pensacola Christian College
Ed.D., Liberty University
Graduate study: University of South Alabama, Arizona State University
Sean VinajaScience/General, Secondary Education
Associate Teaching Professor
B.S., Ed.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.A., Pensacola Theological Seminary
Ed.D., Liberty University
Graduate study: University of Saint Joseph
Daniel WebbDrama
Teaching Professor
B.A., M.F.A., Pensacola Christian College
James WhiteMarketing
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.B.A., Campbell University
M.B.A., Capella University
Ph.D., Northcentral University
Linda WilliamsEducation/General
Associate Teaching Professor
B.S., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
Ed.D., Liberty University
Tim WillinghamMusic/Conducting
Teaching Professor
B.A., M.A., Ed.S., Pensacola Christian College
Ed.D., Liberty University
Graduate study: University of Chichester
Jody WolfBible
Associate Teaching Professor
B.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.Div., D.Min., Pensacola Theological Seminary
Th.M., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Doctoral study: New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Ronda Yoder, APRNNursing
Associate Teaching Professor
B.S.N., Pensacola Christian College
M.S.N., Indiana University
Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham

Kimberly DabbeltEducation/General
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.S., M.S., Ed.S., Ed.D., Pensacola Christian College
Brad DavisMathematics
Teaching Professor
B.A., M.S., West Virginia University
Ph.D., University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Abigail EmtageGraphic Design
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.S., M.A., M.F.A., Pensacola Christian College
Danielle HansenDrama
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.A., M.F.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.F.A., Liberty University
Hyun Mi PeterlevitzResearch
B.A., M.S., Ed.S., Ed.D., Pensacola Christian College
Mark SmithResearch
Teaching Professor
B.S., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
Karl StelzerBible
Teaching Professor
B.A., Bluffton College
M.Div., Th.M., Grace Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Pensacola Christian College
D.Min., Liberty Theological Seminary
Tim UyArt
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.S., M.A., M.F.A., Pensacola Christian College

Lee AtkinsonEducation/General
Associate Teaching Professor
M.S., Purdue University
B.A., Ed.D., Pensacola Christian College