Engineering Lab

Bachelor of Science in Computing, Information Technology Concentration

Information Technology: Developing and Managing Computer Systems

Most of today’s companies and businesses have a web presence, with programming, networking, and database needs. Because nearly all companies rely on computerized information systems, there is consistent demand for skilled employees to develop and maintain them.

The information technology concentration at PCC will prepare you for various industry positions. Training you to plan, program, and manage computer information systems, networks, databases, and websites, the information technology concentration is focused on producing the next generation of software developers and IT technicians. You’ll receive hands-on experience in a broad range of technologies and programming languages, gaining the logical thinking and disciplined documentation skills necessary to work with computer information systems.

In a program that emphasizes programming, information technology students learn essential computer languages. You’ll also receive database, networking, and computer hardware experience. When you graduate with your computing degree in information technology, you’ll be equipped to enter an essential career field and succeed.

Faith-Based Information Technology

PCC information technology students are firmly grounded in technology studies and also trained in biblical worldview. Faculty are dedicated to training the next generation of Christian technicians, teaching all concepts from a biblical, ethical perspective. And programming and design classes are taken alongside Bible courses, equipping you with the tools to be a successful professional and to make a positive difference in your workplace.

Students on computer

Computing Program Educational Objectives

Within the first five years after graduation, our computing alumni are expected to make measurable contributions in the following spiritual and professional objectives

  • Entry-Level Employment—apply computer knowledge, professional ethics, and Christian principles in the workplace.
  • Christian Ministry—support a local church and other Christian ministries.
  • Leadership—demonstrate Christian leadership through career, church, or community opportunities.
  • Lifelong Learning—advance intellectually through activities such as continuing education or industry certification.

Information Technology Concentration Learning Outcomes

As a graduate of the information technology concentration, you will be equipped to demonstrate

  • Problem Solving—analyze a complex computing problem and apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  • Technical Skill—design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  • Communication—communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • Ethics—recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  • Teamwork—function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  • User Requirements—identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, integration, evaluation, and administration of computing-based systems.

Program Highlights

Computer Hardware Maintenance

In CS 405, students demonstrate practical experience in analyzing, installing, troubleshooting, and repairing personal computer hardware and software. Projects focus on installing a variety of hardware including video boards, sound cards, network cards, RAM, and many other system-related devices. Various personal computer architectures and how they affect the installation of hardware and software are also discussed.

Systems Design

Students in CS 414 are trained in developing a small business computer application. The students participate in teams to consider the current and future requirements of the application. The teams develop the entire application including analysis, design, planning, coding, testing, documenting, and implementing.

Your Information Technology Future

What can you do with an information technology concentration?

The information technology concentration at PCC is focused on equipping students with the skillset to succeed—critical thinking skills, computer system knowledge, and network and security awareness. With excellent training and valuable experience, graduates can enter the field right after graduation or further their studies in graduate programs.

Considering furthering your information technology concentration? PCC offers an M.B.A. specialization in Information Technology Management.

Here are a few of the countless career opportunities available to you.

  • Computer Consultant
  • Computer Programmer
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Computer Technician
  • Database Administrator
  • E-business
  • IT Support Specialist
  • Network Administrator
  • Systems Engineer
  • Web Developer

Here are a few of the grad schools our information technology alumni have attended.

  • Nova Southeastern University
  • University of Illinois
  • University of West Florida

Here are a few of the many places that our information technology alumni have worked.

  • General Dynamics Electric Boat
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Michigan Supreme Court
  • Microsoft
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Ramsey Solutions
  • Skillsoft

Faculty Highlight

Jonathan Sparks

Dr. Jonathan Sparks

B.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.S., University of West Florida
Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University

Technology as a field is always changing. There are new updates to business environments, software, and hardware on a regular basis that require people in this field to constantly be learning. One of our goals in the information technology program is to instill in our students the excitement of being up to date in what is happening in technology.

One of the biggest rewards of teaching at PCC over the last 14 years is seeing the excitement students have as they find the right area that fits them. As I’ve talked with our graduates, they are constantly sharing with me the new technology and practices that they get to use in their careers, and I get to see that passion for the field still present in their lives years after they’ve graduated.

Read more about Dr. Sparks
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Alumni Spotlight

Francesca Clement
Francesca Clement ’20

Data Management Coordinator, General Dynamics Electric Boat

Having to learn a new language almost every year prepared me for having to learn a completely new programming language that I had never seen before. And being project manager of my senior capstone project also gave me a leg up on knowing how to communicate with my customer.

The faculty in the information technology program also encouraged me throughout my training. Dr. Sparks worked with me during my senior capstone project, encouraging me to not be too hard on myself, and always reminding me to do my best for the glory of God. Mr. Stemen, my advisor, always encouraged his students to delve further into learning something that interested them, whether by his examples in class or the homework and projects he gave. These mentalities have stayed with me as I have begun my career.

Meet more alumni

About the Information Technology Concentration

The purpose of the information technology concentration is to prepare students to design, program, and manage computer information systems and technology. Students are also trained to work collaboratively in a team setting as well as expand their knowledge on their own to help them continually adapt to an ever-changing technological world.

Recommended high school preparation for an information technology concentration is two units of algebra. Opportunities are available to make up this deficiency. In this case, time required to complete an information technology concentration could be expected to increase.

Coursework in this program helps prepare students for the hardware component of the CompTIA A+ certification. Elective coursework is available to help prepare for the software component of the CompTIA A+ certification.

Information technology students can apply for scholarships to receive financial aid.

Psalm 90:17 Computer Science Scholarship
$500 scholarship awarded to students with a computing major who have a financial need, to be applied over one semester.

See More Scholarships
Career Fair

Computing Career Support

With Career Services and Career Link, students can start making connections with employers while on campus during Career Fair events. These services provide tools and resources designed to empower you for your career in information technology.

Need help? Career Services staff are ready to assist you in researching employment opportunities, exploring job qualifications, and providing mock interviews and résumé support.