Electronics Design Lab
In EL 443, students design, construct, and test subsystems typical in electronic equipment. Design teams each interview a customer and determine specific needs, eventually conceptualizing a subsystem that will meet those needs. Typical subsystems included are microcontrollers, oscillators, amplifiers, and DC power supplies using analog and digital integrated circuits and discrete components. Using modern design methods and electronic design automation tools, design teams work to create project plans and requirements documents in preparation for their EL 450 capstone project.
Electrical Engineering Design
The EL 450 capstone project stretches senior electrical students to apply all they have learned and uses modern design methods and electronic design automation tools. With the plans and requirements from EL 443, design teams use electronic circuit design and device programming to create their system. After creating a final printed circuit board (PCB), students design an enclosure to be 3D printed and solder electronic components to populate their PCB. Using a formal testing process, teams test their system’s performance and mount their completed PCB into their 3D-printed enclosure. Once the system is complete, design teams prepare formal documentation of their system’s performance and a final report of their design.