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Bachelor of Arts in Bible, Missions Concentration

Missions: Go with God’s Word

All Christians are called to share the gospel with others, but some are called to fulfill the Great Commission as full-time missionaries. The missions concentration from Pensacola Christian College will give you a global perspective on missions and how you can influence the world for Christ wherever you go—whether overseas or in the United States.

You’ll gain essential missions training with an emphasis on cross-cultural ministry. Your classes will include intensive biblical instruction and complement your convictions. You’ll develop practical skills like candidacy, deputation, church planting, financial management, and much more. This unique program also allows you to tailor your classes to a specific calling with over ten specializations, arming you with a practical skill you can take right to the mission field. Wherever God is calling you, you’ll be ready.

Not limited to the classroom, your learning can extend to service opportunities like Campus Church, student-led ministries, mission trips, and more. This practical experience will allow you to graduate ready to share the gospel and navigate the mission field. Learn to rely on God as you reach His people with compassion and confidence.

Studying Missions to Serve the Lord

Your calling is strong, and your training to fulfill it should be as well. The missions concentration prepares students to reach others for Jesus Christ. Your firmly Scripture-based classes will ready your heart, and your hands-on training will train your mind for a future as a missionary.

Ministerial Seminar

Missions Concentration Learning Outcomes

As a missions concentration graduate, you will be able to

  • demonstrate thorough knowledge of the content and themes of the Word of God.
  • defend sound doctrine.
  • evaluate current issues in light of biblical teaching.
  • develop a biblical philosophy of ministry.
  • effectively present biblical truth from expository study of the Scriptures.
  • develop strategies to reach the lost and plant churches in a variety of cultures.

Program Highlights

Principles and Methods of Missions

Spend two semesters examining the everyday aspects of preparing for the mission field (MI 301, 302). You’ll get in-depth experience doing everything from making your own prayer cards and letters to constructing a display board. To smooth your transition onto the mission field, you’ll also examine key mission topics like surmounting culture shock and language barriers to present the gospel effectively.

Cultural Anthropology

Explore the world’s cultures in a class designed to give you an overview of many world countries and cultures (MI 403). You’ll understand their unique cultural differences and how to overcome them, allowing you to witness effectively and reach their souls for Christ.

Your Missions Future

What can you do with a missions concentration?

When you graduate, you’ll have the option to begin your ministry right away or pursue a master’s degree to further your education. Wherever you go, you can use the biblical and academic training you’ve received to share the love of Christ with God’s children all over the world.

Here are a few of the countless career opportunities available to you.

  • Christian Camp Director
  • Church Planter
  • Missionary

Here are a few of the grad schools our missions alumni have attended.

  • Bob Jones University
  • Liberty University
  • University of Texas, Arlington
  • Valley Forge University

Here are a few of the many places that our missions alumni have worked.

  • AERO Missions
  • Baptist Mid-Missions
  • Baptist World Mission
  • Bearing Precious Seed
  • BIMI
  • Campus Church
  • La Molina Christian Schools
  • Send the Light Ministries

Faculty Highlight

Brian Bucy

Dr. Brian Bucy

A.A., Allegany Community College
B.S., Frostburg State University
M.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.A., Grace Theological Seminary
D.Min., Baptist Bible Seminary

“It is the mission of the College, for every major, to promote the cause of Christ by providing an education that develops the students spiritually, intellectually, morally, culturally, and socially, so that they apply biblical principles to influence the world for Christ. We want our students to use the knowledge and skills gained to evangelize the lost, edify believers, and establish local churches to the glory of God alone. They are challenged to determine their maximum contribution to the cause of Christ both locally and internationally.

In short, it is my desire that the students know God and make Him known. Christ died for all! The student should recognize that all people of all nations are candidates for salvation, and whosoever will believe God's record concerning His Son. After which they will be taught to pattern their lives after their Savior. I want our student to be involved in that wherever God sends them.”

Read more about Dr. Bucy
Meet more faculty

Alumni Spotlight

Katie Stanczak
Katie Stanczak ’11

Director’s Assistant with AERO Missions

“I started my freshman year with no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and I changed my major several times throughout my freshman year. God used chapel services and a burden He had given me for unreached people worldwide to direct me to study missions. PCC equipped me with the knowledge and experience to work in missions. The general Bible classes helped give me a solid foundation in doctrine. My missions teachers, Mr. Carlson and Dr. Bucy, gave me invaluable information and guidance in my missions classes, and chapel services further enriched and encouraged me in what God had called me to do. Attending a mission prayer band to hear from missionaries and board representatives in a smaller setting was always a highlight.

When you work in missions, your faith will most certainly be tested, and you had better know why you believe what you believe. PCC gave me a well-rounded education, a solid foundation that prepared me for all different aspects of ministry work.”

Meet more alumni

Missions Concentration Course Schedule

girl sitting in classroom

About the Missions Concentration

The purpose of the missions concentration is to prepare Christians for effective cross-cultural ministry.

Ministerial students in the missions concentration are required to complete Ministerial Seminar every semester after the freshman year.

$10 per semester or 3 payments of $3.33

*Students taking music lessons or group instruction pay appropriate music course fees.

$30 per semester or 3 payments of $10

*Students taking music lessons or group instruction pay appropriate music course fees.

Students must complete a broad field. Special policies are required of students who choose a broad field of Elementary Education or Teaching English.

Missions Broad Fields

Digital Media

Technology Requirements: Students enrolled in 300- or 400-level art courses are required to own a personal laptop for use in class. An Adobe Creative Cloud subscription is also required. Laptop specifications must meet minimum Adobe Creative Cloud system requirements.
Digital Typography
Photography I
Digital Graphics
UX/UI Design
Principles of Digital Multimedia Technology
Media Studio Production

Missions students can apply for scholarships to receive financial aid.

Vocational Ministry Scholarship (up to $12,000)

  • Available to a qualified applicant who has declared a Bible major with a concentration in biblical counseling, biblical studies, general studies, media ministries, missions, music ministries, or youth ministries, and comes from a church that is Bible-believing.
  • Applicants must have a cumulative high school GPA of 2.00 or higher.
  • Recipients must maintain a 2.00 GPA each year (not cumulative) at Pensacola Christian College in order to receive the benefit of the scholarship. Students who forfeit the scholarship because of grade point average will forfeit the benefit for future years.
  • Recipients receive a tuition benefit up to $12,000 (approximately $3,000 annually; 20% of total tuition) over the first eight consecutive semesters of attendance as a full-time student after approval. If the student is enrolled in the Fourth Year Tuition-Free program, scholarship payments will not be applied during semesters the student is receiving the Fourth Year Tuition-Free benefit.

Forrest Reubin Ball Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 scholarship awarded to a continuing freshman, sophomore, or junior with a missions concentration, to be applied over one semester.

Melvin and Mary Jane Bere Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 scholarship awarded to a continuing sophomore or junior with a missions, music ministries, pastoral ministries, or youth ministries concentration who has a financial need, to be applied in the fall semester.

Faith Ministerial Scholarship
$3,150 scholarship awarded to a male student with a pastoral ministries or missions concentration, to be applied over one semester.

Harold D. Suttles, Jr. and Gloria T. Suttles, Legal and Missionary Scholarship Fund
$750 scholarship awarded to a continuing sophomore, junior, or senior with a missions concentration or pre-law emphasis who has a financial need, to be applied over one semester.

Sylvia Briggs Taylor Scholarship
$500 scholarship awarded to a continuing female junior or senior with a missions concentration, to be applied over one semester.

See More Scholarships
Missionary Counseling Student

Bible Career Support

With Career Services and Career Link, students can start making connections with employers while on campus during Career Fair events. These services provide tools and resources designed to empower you for your career in missions.

Every year, mission board representatives come to campus seeking PCC graduates.

Need help? Career Services staff are ready to assist you in researching employment opportunities, exploring job qualifications, and providing mock interviews and résumé support.