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Department of Bible

Put Your Faith Into Action

About the Bible Department

Whether you’re preparing for full-time Christian ministry or simply desire to focus your academic study on the Bible, the undergraduate Bible program at Pensacola Christian College will equip you with solid biblical training, preparing you to effectively serve the Lord.

You’ll gain a firm scriptural foundation with biblical survey classes and build on that foundation through specialized theological studies. You’ll increase your knowledge and your practical ministry skills, mentored by experienced, godly faculty members who see your ministry preparation as their ministry.

Apply what you learn in the classroom with plenty of opportunities to preach, teach, and serve alongside other men and women who love the Lord—in a class setting, in local Christian service ministries, as interns in local churches, on summer missions trips, or in many areas of the Campus Church.

Seminary Programs

Be fully equipped for church ministry and Christian leadership with an in‐person or online theology degree from Pensacola Theological Seminary. Whether you choose to pursue a Master of Arts, Master of Divinity, or even a Doctor of Ministry degree, this program prepares you to share the gospel in the 21st century and fulfill the Great Commission wherever God leads you. Start your master’s or doctoral degree today!

Meet the Dean of Biblical Studies
Dr. Dan Rushing

Dr. Dan Rushing

B.A., M.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.Div., D.Min., Pensacola
Theological Seminary
Doctoral study: Baptist Bible Seminary, Liberty Theological Seminary

The Division of Biblical Studies comprises the Bible department, which offers undergraduate Bible degrees along with graduate degrees offered under the auspices of Pensacola Theological Seminary.

Bible Quick Facts


Local churches
working with
PCC Bible-major interns


Average number of students involved in Christian service


Combined years of
pastoral experience
among Bible faculty


Christian ministry opportunities on
and off campus

Dr. Jody Wolf
Dr. Jody Wolf B.A., Pensacola Christian College
M.Div., D.Min., Pensacola
Theological Seminary
Doctoral study: New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

A Word from the Chair of Bible

The Bible program at PCC is built upon the conviction that the Word of God is sufficient to meet the needs of individuals today. As a Bible major, your knowledge of God’s Word will increase as you study the Scriptures in our content–driven Bible classes like Romans and Revelation.

You will also learn how to communicate the truths of God’s Word to others through projects and practical ministry classes such as Introduction to Biblical Counseling and Evangelism and Discipleship. Our desire at PCC is to equip each Bible major with the tools and confidence necessary for handling God’s Word accurately as ministers in any capacity in which the Lord places them.

Dr. Jody Wolf

Chair of Bible Department

Bible Department News

Dr. Richard Anderson: Teaching Right Living

A few moments spent on social media can remind anyone that people aren’t always in agreement with what is right or true; online debates show that many users believe they can determine their own truth. As a Bible faculty member at Pensacola Christian College, Dr. Richard Anderson stands in opposition to this view and doesn’t shy away from providing biblical explanations of what is right and true.

Bible Success Stories

Daniel Stevens

God led Daniel Stevens (Pastoral Ministries ’02, Master of Divinity '06) to become a full-time pastor. His undergraduate and graduate degrees from PCC, marked by his teachers' purposed investment, prepared him for his future ministry.

Bible Manuscript Room

The Bible Manuscript Room:

A Museum of Treasures

One of the most distinctive and impressive rooms on campus is the Bible Manuscript Room, founded in 1993. In the Bible Manuscript Room, you can view over 100 unique Bibles and biblical artifacts. These include treasures like a Gutenberg facsimile and a Geneva Bible designed with yellow pages to be easier read by candlelight.

When you take a tour, you’ll witness the care and dedication that Christians throughout the ages have taken to preserve and pass on God’s Word to today’s generation.

Read more

Bible Department Verse

And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
II Timothy 3:15-17

Bible Department Verse

And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
II Timothy 3:15–17